Tuvalu: - One More Country Near to Disappear by Climate Change

In India I think more than 80% people don’t know about Tuvalu. I asked many of my friends verbally and through social media and online forums as well, the result was the same. Only very few know about Tuvalu.

This is really overwhelming and derisory, a sovereign country which also has the power to vote in U.N. is unknown to world’s 2nd largest populated country.

Let me tell you something about Tuvalu, its history and current situation in Tuvalu.

Tuvalu Beaches
Tuvalu Is a Beautiful Country

Tuvalu is world’s 4rth smallest country. It is situated at an island in Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Australia. And it is only bigger than 3 countries Vatican, Monaco and Nauru.

This country has only one prison for the offenders. And in the day time it is very quiet because of it’s weather conditions it’s very hot in day time. You will always found the streets and markets empty in day time due to hotness in climate.

But in evening after 4:30 and in night people start striving out here. Once the sun start setting down people start coming out.  And an unbelievable and rare thing happens here in Tuvalu.

Tuvalu Airport Runway
Only Runway & Airport In Tuvalu
The whole country comes at the airport runway and the runway converts into a huge playground.
They play here soccer, rugby, volleyball, running, basketball and one more game which was invented by Tuvalu peoples called “Te Ano”. It’s only played here in Tuvalu it’s Tuvaluan sport.

Majority of Tuvalu residents comes here in evening everyday to play and run. When an emergency landing happens airport authorities sounds a siren and warns people to evacuate runway.

Tuvalu Sea
Situation is alarming in Tuvalu
And this runway is the only big space here at this island to play for people that’s why they play on this runway. This is the happiest environment on the island.

But it’s very sad that this runway is drowning slowly. And they have this only airport and runway in this country Tuvalu. Few days ago in February a highest recorded ever king tide happened and people witnessed sea levels approaching the tarmac.  It’s sad and heartbreaking but it’s true.

Flag Of Tuvalu
Flag Of Tuvalu
It’s has started or creep in closer football or soccer games started truing into splashing contests and water sports.

People are experiencing and walking through the ankle level water to cross the airport and its runway.
An eye opener and vivid picture to all. Who says climate change is very far away.

Playground at Runway of Tuvalu
Playground at Runway of Tuvalu
The residents and kids have no idea that they are slowly sinking and playing in the ocean. The day is very near when these tides due to rising levels of sea will force them all to evacuate their beloved country. If this rising water level keep continues the day is very close when they have to close this only airport in Tuvalu.

And if the conditions and situation will not improve one day there will be no one who can leave this island without a boat. Tuvalu is a very beautiful country and its people are warmest, kind hearted and friendliest.  Whenever you need any guidance they will tell you easily everything about the places in Tuvalu.

Their airport playground is just magical something which you will not find anywhere else in the world. But it is very unfortunate that this only runway and playground of Tuvalu people is sinking slowly.

Ocean water and its level is latterly rising day by day and coming up to the runway of the airport. And I think the playing kids are not realizing it for now that they are going to be drowned down in this ocean water on which they are playing today.

The worlds 4rth smallest and its 10000 residents are realizing it today that they are really sinking in the ocean water.

Tuvalu Airport Runway
Tuvalu Partly Playground (Airport Runway) Flooded by Tides 
They believe that their island is like a sponge and water is coming up from the bottom. In last February the runway and their only playground was completely underwater. The scenes were really scary but these people are not aware with that.

Tides in Tuvalu
Tides in Tuvalu
The situation is very alarming here. Climate change is a thing of now. If you believe it’s too far to happen. Come here in Tuvalu and experience it. People here is Tuvalu are going to die. And just doing my job and making aware the people to think and care about the environment.

Try to save these guys, make people aware about climate change. Do something to save your environment.  You all are in Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata or somewhere outside from India like Sydney, Berlin, Rome, Barcelona or New York. People here in Tuvalu are really threatened right now.

I request you to look at the world map, put your finger on Tuvalu and Kiribati and see because these countries are on threat to disappear.

What are your opinions about climate change? Please write in comments. Is it human created or natural created or whether it’s both? Please write in comments….

Also Read:- World’s Least Known and Visited Country “Nauru”

Tuvalu: - One More Country Near to Disappear by Climate Change Tuvalu: - One More Country Near to Disappear by Climate Change Reviewed by Pramod Chaudhary on 7:07 PM Rating: 5

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