World’s Least Known and Visited Country “Nauru”

Ha Ha Ha Ha! So chances are very high that you don’t know about this country Nauru. Because I have done my work already more than 80% people in India don’t know and hear ever about Nauru. It has a valid reason no surprises in that we don’t have much relations and connection with this country even we don’t have any embassy in Nauru. Also this is the least visited country in the world.

Let me tell you some facts about Nauru.

Nauru is full of Beautiful Beaches
Nauru is full of Beautiful Beaches
1. Nauru is a sovereign nation with the representation and power of raising their voice and voting in UN.

2. Nauru is an island in Pacific Ocean and it is special because of its Kidney Bean shape. And
Its area is only 5X4 kilometers. And it takes only 30 minutes drive to be around the perimeter of Nauru.

3. There is not much available to do because it’s a very small country, world’s 3rd smallest country with the area of only 21 square kilometers and population of around 10000 people only.

4. It is world’s smallest island nation and located east of Australia. It is also known as pleasant island.
Nauru is also a country with highest % of type 2 diabetic and overweight people. It’s because of their passion for eating unhealthy food, rice and meats always.

5. 97% men and 93% women are affected with obese or overweight problem in Nauru.

6. Nauru is least visited country in the world with only 200 visitors per year.

7. Nauru has only one hospital in entire country.

8. They have many restaurants, shops, ATMs and supermarkets.

9. They have only primary school, they have only 2 hotels, they have only 1 bank, 1 fire station, 1 post office, one prison and that’s it all they have in Nauru.

10. Nauru people have the strong culture of movies but surprisingly they don’t have any theater in the country. Despite they watch movies on DVDs.

11. They connect outside world with Internet, majority of people believes in connecting through internet here.

12. They know mostly each other and good local life exist here.

13. Nauruan are very patriotic, you can flags of Nauru all over the country.

14. Their language is Nauruan and it’s totally different from all others. Also majority of people can also speak English.

15. Nauru residents and citizens are very lazy because of lack of activities and their passion for eating unhealthy food. This all led the people here overweight and quite lazy.

16. Apart from fish they got all the meats including chicken in the form of import.

Rocks Come Out on Sand in Nauru Beaches
Rocks Come Out on Sand at Nauru Beaches
17. Nauru is a beautiful country with lots of greenery, beaches with rocks comes out on sand, wonderful lagoon and so on.

Beautiful Greenery in Nauru
Beautiful Greenery in Nauru
18. This country is in Pacific Islands and water here in ocean and beaches is crystal clear blue.

19. As this country is next to equator Nauru is extremely hot and humid all over the year but it get obnoxiously hot during rainy seasons.

20. The only currency which runs in Nauru is Australian Dollar. And One important thing it’s advised by all the tour agencies, whenever you are planning to visit. You should carry lots of cash because most of time ATMs runs out of cash here.

21. All the markets and things are pretty expensive here because they don’t produce and manufacture a lot. Most of the things are imported here from Australia.

22. Nauru is not in touch or connected with so many countries because there are only 2 embassies Taiwan and Australia.

23. Everything is not beautiful and right here. Few things are even worst such as piles of trash and junkyards seen on the side of the streets.

Nauru Flag
Nauru Flag
24. If we talk about sports Majority of people like to play an Australian game Footy here. But Nauru is famous and well known for another game called weight Lifting.

25. And no wonder World record holder or number one weight lifter belongs to Nauru. And they love him like a celebrity in Nauru. You can see his posters everywhere in Nauru. And it is none less than incredible because of it is 3rd smallest country of the world.

26. Residents of Nauru are very friendly and good human beings.

Meanwhile We have also heard some bad news about its residents like they don't like refugees (Kiribati and Tuvalu climate refugees.). Recently some news reflexed in media worldwide that refugees badly assaulted and attacked in Nauru.

I tried to cover up all the things related to Nauru. If you feel I have missed something please write me in comments. Also please write your opinions in comments you like this article or not.

Read Also:- Tuvalu: - One More Country Near to Disappear by Climate Change

World’s Least Known and Visited Country “Nauru” World’s Least Known and Visited Country “Nauru” Reviewed by Pramod Chaudhary on 6:15 PM Rating: 5

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